Saturday, January 12, 2019

Saturday 12 January - Saturday as Usual

With more manifestations expected from the gilet jaunes we stayed within walking distance of home today.  I went out first to take a quick look at the Batignolles organic market which was in full swing as usual. I walked down to St-Lazare where there were a large number of police and gendarmerie but no gilets jaunes. There was a great deal of activity on the part of the sapeurs pompiers who were at the site of a very large explosion in a boulangerie near Sentier metro station. There were deaths and injuries and some 200 emergency personnel were there.
15021 is one of the regular nez casse locomotives taking trains to Normandie
Mary and I went for a walk along Legendre and Brochant and finally settled for lunch at Il Paradiso on Legendre. Mary had a pizza while I had the Piccata al Limone.  Both were very good indeed. A half bottle of valpolicella classico went well - nice color, smooth but strong and slightly sweet.

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